Thursday, October 29, 2009

Something I Shot

This is a music video for Alabama Public Television. As an educational lead up to our upcoming Sloss Furnaces documentary, our education producer had local artists contemporize older songs once sung in the mines and furnaces of Sloss. This is a contemporary version of "I Got a Man in the Bama Mine," originally by Merline Johnson and performed here by Kate Taylor and her band. Kate also stars in the video. The intention is to educate through music. This is not the educational cut, but my own. It's only slightly different. I cut out some parts that I thought were less successful, or too obvious, which are appropriate in the version intended for a younger audience. There was absolutely no budget. That's what's up with the fake money. We had a crew of three people trying to do what we needed 5 to 6 to accomplish. It was shot primarily on a borrowed jib with a monitor that was incompatible with our camera, so, we couldn't see anything the camera was capturing and basically had to guess. Oh, public television... That being said, I think it turned out pretty well!

"I Got A Man In the Bama Mine" cover by K. Taylor from justin gaar on Vimeo.


Kathie M said...

This is fantastic! Love it.

Mr. Trione said...

Mason jars aren't as fancy as wine glasses?! I'd actually rather drink wine from a Mason jar. Hell, they're my container of choice. Don't you dare call me low class.