Monday, September 21, 2009

The Yes Men Hit the New York Post!

the yes men hit the new york post!
ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha!

"SPECIAL EDITION" NEW YORK POST from The Yes Men on Vimeo.

the yes men are activists/culture jammers. they've pulled some very hilarious and poignant pranks. read the wiki link above to see how the criticism from one of their pranks got the man who owns the trademark on the word freedom, g.w. bush, to say, "there ought to be limits to freedom."

the new york post representative in that video is an amazing caricature of what i would think a new york post representative would be like. except he's real. gross.

my favorite prank of their's is the vivoleum project. they appeared at canada's largest oil conference as national petroleum council representatives and explained that the much anticipated results of a study commissioned by u.s. energy secretary samuel bodman found that the continued exploitation of key canadian oil sites were increasing the chances of large, even global, environmental catastrophe. they then went on to explain that the bright side to the study was that the bodies of those killed could then be processed into oil called vivoleum. they handed out candles to hold a vigil, but were unfortunately found out before they were able to tell the crowd of 300 oilmen that the candles in their hands were made from a exxon mobile janitor that died while cleaning up an oil spill.